SAFETY VERIFICATION IN THE DIMENSIONING OF COLD-FORMED METALLIC PROFILES CONNECTED BY SCREWS AND SUBMITTED TO TRACTION EFFORTThe present refers to the issue of safety verification for the design of cold-formed metal profiles connected by screws and subjected to tensile stress. Through practical calculations based on ABNT NBR 14762 of 2010, it was compared with the practical tests of some selected profiles and was also compared with numerical tests of finite elements, using the Autodesk Inventor software. The results obtained and analyzed were the basis for questioning whether the standard provides security for the dimensioning of the profiles or not. Concluding that in the analyzed profiles where there are fewer connectors in the direction of force application, the norm is more rigid due to the application of the net area reduction coefficient, another finding is that in the elements with the thinnest plate thickness the safety coefficients in relation to the norm are higher and the safety coefficients of the thicker sheet metal profiles are closer to the values ​​determined by the norm.